
There was a light drizzle shower to start the day but it soon passed and the sun came out to play all day :)  Lovely and warm too :)  After tea the sun decided to hide among the clouds but still been a lovely evening.

With the fine day, it's been fairly quiet in the museum.  The morning had a mad rush with visitors but the numbers dropped as the day went on.  We did have a school visit from Kirkwall.  They are up on the isles to meet up with Lerwick teenagers, always good to keep both isles connected and keep us friends :)  And there was always plenty of other things to do, like setting up for a school visit tomorrow. 
I had planned to go off on the boat with Brian after tea, but with the cloud cover and and me finishing work later than expected, I had to cancel.  The nights are drawing in fast now and not much time after work to get much down.
A quiet night ahead again with Sammy and the telly :)

At lunchtime I had to get fuel for the car.  After fueling up, I went for a quick run and walk at Girlsta.  This old house has always fascinated me, when I was a peerie boy, I wanted my grandparents to stay here, not really sure why but it did have a roof back then :)  I do love the old willow tree that blooms every year and seem to survive the harsh winters and sheep.  Taken at Bretto, Girlsta.  

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