Playing life by ear.

By Crazyoldbird

Inside out.

I took this blip with the zoom lens, in failing light because I wanted to capture some of the local fauna on our way home from the quacks, through the pine forest. The figure whose back you can see is a trans. There is a great deal of coming, going and funny business going on on the road side and behind the bushes.

After I'd had this that and the other test, been poked, and squeezerd by this that and the other doctor, includin E., I discovered on the way home that I'd put my dress back on inside out. 

Whenever we have a health scare in our family, we almost always pay a visit to our wonderful, elderly friend E. who is a retired doctor of 84. who inevitably sends us on our way feeling much better than before we saw him.

As part of his service, we also get to hear a  new joke or two and his latest poems, for he is a prolific poet, churning them out in a strange (to me) dialect, which he then proceeds to translate into Italian. 

Nobody is perfect and he is useless at is fishing, which is a great pity since he is  a bit OCD about it. In exchange for his medical expertise, we have to take him on a fishing trip but he never catches anything. Never! 

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