Posing at Pemaquid Point

We left Bar Harbor at about 8 a.m., going North, then West. On the way to Portland, we stopped at 3 more lighthouses, had lunch at the famous Moody's Diner, and visited a furniture-making place.

The famous diner was so-so, the lighthouses were all fogged in, and the furniture was sensational.

Although this lighthouse is way off the beaten path, it is one of my favorites. Plus, we got to go to the top of it. 5 people at a time got to climb the winding stairs.

It seems like there is always a good puddle left over from high tide, giving off good reflections. I called 2 young girls over, and took their picture with their camera, and then asked them to return the favor. I'm trying not to complain, but she included way too much sky, and almost chopped off our shadows that were in the reflection.

Oh well...I should have known not to trust somebody that carries a Nikon around. ;0)

Check out the other light (the first one wasn't good enough to share), and the hand-crafted furniture on my Flickr page.

https://www.flickr.com/photos/124969130@N06/albums/72157658429200630 Two more lighthouses tomorrow, and then we're going to have to put it into drive mode. Probably 850-900 miles from home.

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