Merrick at the Carnival

Merrick on a ride with his Mama, pensive before the start of the Himalaya, and "fishing" with his Daddy.

Our local catholic church has an annual festival, called the Applefest. Caramel apples, apple crisp, apple donuts, and apple pies. Lots of pies.

They also have a small carnival. Merrick scares me a little. Next month he will be four, but he doesn't like the "kiddie" rides much anymore. He wants to go on the "big kid" rides. Anything that spins, whirls, and goes fast.

We supported the Catholics by riding some rides, and having dinner. Back in the old days, with the festival within walking distance of our house, we hated to see the festival come. Our kids would just drive us crazy...wanting to go. And...they didn't want us 2 old fogies to go with them.

Ahhhh...the memories.

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