Lee on Solent

A lovely sunny day on the south coast :-)

After an errand early morning we had breakfast and then had a conflab as to where we should go today........you can see from today's title where we ended up!

We walked along the front in the sunshine....a bit breezy, but warm. We sat chatting staring across the Solent towards the Isle of Wight......sis in law suddenly came out with "what kind of cheese was that?!" which gave us all a laugh out loud moment :-) Non UK blippers won't get the joke.....sorry. It's a punch line from add advert for Specsavers ;-)

We had a naughty but nice lunch today...fish and chips........still feeling full up even now!!
I've dropped hub off the the Grand Harbour Hotel over town for his school reunion..he's going to text me when he's ready to be picked up, do t think it will be too late ;-)

We are just settling down to watch Strictly in half an hour........bring on the sparkles :-)

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