Come on you Saints!

After only 5 hours sleep last night for me, we were up, but not that early. The girls went to get the morning papers, followed by a late brunch, before we walked over to St. Mary's to watch Southampton play Swansea in the Premiership. Sis and BiL are season ticket holders, and had got us tickets not too far from their seats.

We walked from their house, over the Itchen Bridge, which spans the river, which runs into the Solent, and then out to sea. We stood atop the bridge watching these youngsters having sailing lessons, in what has turned out to be a glorious late September day.

Our seats in the ground were facing the sun, we were positively baking and have definitely caught the sun! Saints came out on top, 3-1 winners, which was great. We walked from the ground into town to look,for somewhere to eat. We plumped for Oxfords, and have had an absolutely lovely meal, we all thoroughly enjoyed what we chose, together with lovely wine and coffee.

Just back now after a quick taxi ride back home. We have just got settled down to watch the rugby!!! As they say, squeaky bum time ;-)

Last night tonight, back home tomorrow. Please accept apologies for the lack of comments, but ihave managed a few stars and hearts here and there ;-)

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