My Friend and I

My day didnt start too well when the shower decided to run cold just as I put shampoo in my hair. I had the right hump that I had to wash in cold water. Then a spider crawled out of my jeans just as I picked them up off the floor. It was only a Mummy spider so I managed ok.

My lovely friend and I have decided to meet up once a month at a great garden centre that sells the biggest Belgian Buns like...ever!

And we always have a serious chat then mess about in the shop. This time we tried on all the silly animal hats then realised they were actually kids hats - otherwise I would have bought one. This was us last month!

Then off to work for the afternoon. I called in on Daughter Number 1 for a take away as Mr W was up in Enfield helping Jasmine with her new laptop as it was playing up. Im so lucky I have a computer boffin to hand when ever I need him. 

Home now in need of my bed where I shall await my husbands return. He has to pick his Daughter up from the station again this evening as she cant drive home due a damaged elbow. I must tell her about these wonderful things called Taxi's when I see her next!

And I finally managed to find the T set online last night. I ordered it then ordered Mr W to go and get it!!! He did! We are the coolest Grandparents ever. 

Night Night.

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