Finally x 2

I've been trying to get this shot for several weeks now. Either bottlebrush wasn't blooming or there were blooms but the hummers were nowhere in sight. Finally today it all came together! I know some folks get shots like this often but it's a first for me! YaHoo!
For the past week and a half I've been shooting with a new camera. When I went to upload an image to Blip I would get a message that I already uploaded a photo for that day. I just thought...what the hey! and clicked on the correct calendar date and pressed on. Well, I finally realized what was going on. When I set up my new camera I apparently put in the wrong who knows what that will do, if anything, to anything. Starting tomorrow I'll be back on track! Life goes on! ****Oh...and the absolute 
Light of My Life returns this evening from a 3.5 week trip to the Netherlands and Norway. I am so much more than happy! :)****

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