
By mambo

The rough and the smooth.

Less hectic day than yesterday but we did have a visit to a different hospital first thing for blood tests. That done we went to get a few essentials on the way home.
Soon after that our daughter called, we had a quick coffee before she came to the allotment with me. After yesterday there was no way Mr P could join us so we left him at home with a newspaper.
We had a quick tidy and dug up three raised beds. Picked some late marigolds, runner beans and courgettes before coming home for a bit of lunch.
This afternoon l had my hair done and then went in search of a blip, found my way to these stepping stones that cross the River Wharfe. Always wonder if the owners of the house there use them as they lead right up to their garden. Can you imagine tottering over them with a full shopping bag in each hand?
Worse still if you were returning from the pub!

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