Gitama's World

By Gitama


...For a couple of days now I have not been out to take pics....the ocean is calling.....the moon has blown me a couple of raspberries as she hid behind the clouds and refused to come out to play ...there has been rain and strange weather and thwarted plans.

It was lovely to catch up with Greentrees (thwarted again......I dont think the link is working) yesterday afternoon....we flapped our gums about and the Universe for hours.......just managing to emerge for a bite to eat.
We had planned to go for a shoot this afternoon.....however plans got thwarted.....hope we can get to catch up again before he choofs off.

Decided to stay home and not go out after all so I went into the garden with my spray bottle and flash to shoot some weeds.....when needs must and all of that...we don't have any flowers in our garden at the moment...this little day lily was the only brave one still standing..........hey ho It only takes one.

“Weeds are flowers, too, once you get to know them.”
A.A. Milne

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