Prime Real Estate .....

..@ the Shopping Center.

Today I went to the shops...after a visit to the docs.
I could only manage a couple of aisles besides Flynn reckoned that I had to keep some of my hobbling credits to check out the baby swallows that live just above the money machine (ATM).
I was so bummed that I didn't have my camera and my iphone was useless...they were just too cute not to be snapped.....and every time Mummy swallow flew close they all opened their mouths really wide in anticipation of food.
Jaiya bless her didn't need much coaxing to drive me home to get my camera and take me back for my blip...I just had to take pics.
Anyhoo as you can see  it isn't the sharpest...those little guys always choose darkish corners .....and taking pics standing on one leg gets a bit shakey...I got a few with Mummy bird and the open mouths but too blurry...jeez those guys are fast....bit like watching Star Wars.
Might try again in a couple of days if they are still there...arnt they just so sweet in their little nest........have to say they do make an awefull mess ........the money machine is just out of firing range so no need to scrape off swallow poo to get yer money out.

“Little islands are all large prisons; one cannot look at the sea without wishing for the wings of a swallow.”
- R F Burton

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