Long Shadows

Blessedly, there was not a cloud to be seen in the sky and zero risk of rain for our very last agility lesson is the season. It does get dark after an hour or so, but that's OK because they have strong lights to switch on.

All eight dogs were there, and we did the final run and a course with five jumps, a long bent tunnel and the collapsed tunnel in front of everyone! The long black tunnel is OK in daylight, but scary when it's dark because the lights from above don't reach inside it. We ran and ran, and I earned myself lots of high value treats and everyone was happy and cheered! We also worked on the seesaw, which we have only started on, really.

I am always happy to meet my poodle friend Tova. We are not allowed to play during class, because agility is serious business, but we do enjoy chilling together and has stolen one glorious chasing game across the entire field. I hope we can meet again, even if the classes are finished.

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