Second showing

What a fabulous sunny day today has been......just the most gorgeous bright blue cloudless sky.......surely it can't be the 1st October?!!

We were up and out sharpish this morning as we had to take the car in for its regular service. We decided to do a spot of pre hols shopping to wile away the 3 hours until we could collect it again.

Shopping was a success........sun block, check, new underwear, check, new walking sandals, check, new daytime handbag, check, oh and a new top.....check ;-) hub got his newspaper ;-)

Once we were home we spent a couple of hours in the garden, it was so lovely and warm.

I didn't take my camera whilst we were out as I didn't want to leave it in the it's a garden blip today! I thought I'd show you our second flush of roses on the archway and you can see just how,blue that sky was too!

Youngest son been for his eye check up today following his operations earlier in the's all good :-))))

Off quizzing tonight, missed last week as we were down south......we will have a full compliment tonight too, so fingers crossed.

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