A nicely turned ankle

Until lunchtime, I didn't feel like doing anything except lying on the sofa knitting socks. The upside of this is that I have finished this pair and because I don't have Sarah the Magic Grafter at home, I had to learn to do that part myself for a change.
I managed a few hours of housework in the afternoon, getting things ready for the in laws coming on Thursday, and I took a car load of recycling to the tip and did some food shopping. All that was exhausting....so it's just as well that D is also learning a new skill, which is cooking, and tonight he had made a very tasty soup (minestrone, my favourite!) for me to come home to.
It's my Dad's 83rd birthday today but he looks 10 years younger. When I phoned him, he had just been out to buy a cake to share at his Keep Fit class tomorrow. This is what I have to live up to!

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