Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont


My plan of giving Archie a run on the beach this morning did not eventuate. It was raining! So he was left at home for the morning while dropped JR off at work then went to visit a friend whose husband died suddenly last week. No, I didn't land on her at 8:30 - I sat and watched BBC News on the phone till a more respectable hour (shortly after 9am!).

On the way home I passed a (fairly) new cafe that I know is dog friendly - Akva, down by the canal, which I've been meaning to go to. So I came home to deposit the car, grab Archie and go down on the bus. I didn't want to walk both ways, though I suspect Archie did.

A really nice place it was too. A nice flat white and two wee cinnamon buns served with a wee dish of yoghurt and honey. There was muzak, but it was not screechy yelly stuff, just quiet, laid back, calm, tuneful songs. AND because I had network coverage on my phone, I could sit and verify my Google email, my iCloud account and my 'keychain'. Success!

Archie posed with the group of swans at the end of the canal, after initially growling at them. He's such a good boy, he stood like that for ages while I moved round and took various shots. A man passed by grinning broadly at us.

We walked home along the canal and over the Links. It was SO warm! I've been out in teeshirt and gilet for months now, but today it looked dreich and autumny, so jumper, jacket and hat and scarf were worn, but all were discarded along the way. I saw the temperature was 18°!!

Popping down for G&Ts at Rufus's house this afternoon.

I must make that holiday list...

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