Gorgeous Gifts

Asha has painted this canvas this afternoon...yesterday was Sandra-at-THE-café's birthday...so Asha's painted this as a gift! We'll wrap it & take it in a bit. The main part is a flower, apparently!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Asha chattering all the way home from school - another 50 minute walk and not one break or complaint...just happy chatterings about her day.
2) A really lovely cortado with Danny this morning. Each morning we drop Asha off at school then stop for a quick coffee next door and plan our day. It's such a lovely time to get in sync with each other before the day begins...and good to get to know a few people in school area.
3) Discovering Asha has Monday off due to Columbus day! Woohoo!

Just seen that my blip from 1 year ago was of THE café...even mentioned the growing friendships!

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