Good Deeds, Good People & Good Views

Today was the third annual 'Real 3 Peaks Challenge' - a cleanse & conserve event.
I'm the Scafell coordinator - and it's a complex job. 3 teams of volunteers cleaning England's highest peak from 3 different & remote valleys - communication isn't easy & the organisation is difficult -more so this year when one of my leaders pulled out of the event at 8pm last night.

Waking at 6am this morning the first relief was knowing I could see - even if I was in an antihistamine fog (thank heavens for caffeine) . Fortunately I know some great people and another leader stepped up for me on his day off - so I could head to Langdale knowing my Wasdale volunteers would be met by a professional who'd keep the event on track.
Langdale's a hard slog of a way to Scafell - we got a little bit of rubbish on the way up Rossett, far more at the popular wild camping site of Angle Tarn - but as soon as we got to Esk Hause & a 3 Peaks route it doubled immediately.

This is my team on a relatively quiet summit - 39 simply good people who gave up their time to do a good deed. We brought down 69kg from the Seathwaite Team, 55kg from the Wasdale Team & 32kg from the Langdale Team - that's 156kg of rubbish not now on a beautiful mountain - nearly as good - we got a lot of thank you's for the volunteers - and we educated a lot of folk through the day - makes it all worthwhile.

I've posted two extra's - one showing its not a glamorous job - and to make up for that a view that on any other day would have been my blip - but today these people are more beautiful.

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