
It was more than dreich today in the Algarve. It was west coast of Scotland - intense - heavy soaking - skin drenching - rain with low cloud and low temperatures. The rain swept in in waves incessantly.

Good thing the Rugby World Cup was on and that the power was restored after a few hours' break this morning.

My blip was going to be the dismantling of a circus big top (in the rain). We've passed it each day as we've headed out but today, as we were passing, the tent was being dismantled. Something I've never seen before.

However, this shot of the train station as I said goodbye to our friends who have been visiting for 24 hours sums up the day better.

The station was ramshackle and run down. Rainswept and apparently deserted.

But the train arrived on time and the guard spoke perfect English and was very helpful.

The gentleman with the brolly came and watched the train arrived and depart.

Otherwise he just stood there chatting to people. No train for a further hour. Just a friendly local saying hello to people - sums up our experience of the area so far.

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