Sniffy Pony

The day started dull and overcast, with a breeze too but it soon passed and been a lovely sunny, warm and fairly calm day :) 

Even though it's been a lovely day, it's been a fairly busy day in the museum.  Those school bairns seem to be on holidays again!  So we've had various families in for a visit today and there has been plenty of folk in to use the archives too. 
After tea, I headed down to see granny in the care centre.  I popped along brother Jonny and family at Bigton, on my way home. 
Off to work in the pub tonight.  I fear it will be busy with oil men and the England match on telly!! 

At lunchtime, I had to pop out to get fuel for the car and went for a quick run too.  I ended up at Brindister for a quick walk around the loch and then there's all the friendly ponies there!  They were all having a good sniff through the fence and gates and looking to get an ear or nose scratched :)  Taken at Brindister Loch.  

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