Tree Takes Over

A lovely day up here in Shetland again.  The sun has been out all day, fairly warm too :)

A lazy start to the day, as Sundays usually are :)  I did finally pull myself out of bed and got motivated.  A fine breeze and with the sunshine, drying clothes was no problem today :)  I went to my allotment today to tidy and water things, mam and Elise came with me and then we went for a run to Channerwick to walk Sammy.  A couple more walkies after tea and then off to work in the pub tonight.

Channerwick is a lovely place for a walk.  Loads of ruins and even some Neolithic houses have been uncovered by recent storms at the beach.  The old Sycamore is taking over this old croft house.  With the roof fallen in, there's plenty of room from the branches to stretch down into the house.  Taken at Channerwick.

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