
By MamaOfBoys

Marley is 7 <3

Its this sweet wee guys birthday today! Hes 7! 

He woke early excited to start his birthday, I bought some choc frogs for him to give to his friends in his class, he wanted me to make minion muffins but little frogs were easier.

He had a great day, he said the class sang happy birthday to him and he got a birthday certificate.

We were going to go out for ice cream after school at this place - wendys ,that does different faces on ice cream using lollies, but Kanye wasn't well enough to take out so i bought ice cream and lollies and we did it at home. 

Kanye was feverish this morning when he got up, my mum watched him while i took mar to school, there was no way Kanye was well enough to go to school.

I took Kanye to the doctors but they found nothing wrong with him, glands were down, ears and chest were clear. 

I called his neurology nurse to ask i there was anything she could add on what to do in the situation we were in last night, she told me to just keep him on his side with his head lowered, ideally in recovery but just to do what is necessary to stop him from breathing in or choking on his vomit.

She said that while seizing if we are holding him because of the way his body behaves during a seizure we need to be careful of his arms, as his shoulder may dislocate or arm fractured but she added that no one would fault us should that happen as they can fix his arm but its a bigger issue potentially fatal issue if he breathes in or chokes on his vomit. That's really hard to fix.

The neuro nurse also mentioned that next time because we have an ambulance sub just call them, and even if they don't take him to hospital they will check him over but hospital would be more than happy to observe him because of his epilepsy and his disability as well and should he vomit for more than 12 hours that he would need to come to hospital as low blood sugars and dehydration can cause bigger seizures. They would monitor him and help him recover. They would always see him if i brought him in.

So a lot to think about but having that support is great.

Mar had a great day, i picked up his present on the way home from taking kanye to the doctor. He asked for a lego bulldozer, it took ages to build but its pretty amazing.

We had Mars fave dinner and he stayed up a little bit, Kanye was in bed at 6 and Harper at 7 so we got to spend some time with him alone before he went to bed at 730

My father in law brought over their present for mar which he really loves, its a new crane truck. He sat playing with it, talking to us about the different things he could lift , he even took it to bed with him , its sitting at the end of his bed.

We're having a family get together on Sunday for him- cake and good times for my wee guy who has had a lot on this year and despite his challenges is just a happy wee soul who loves his family! 

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