Marley is 6!

My beautiful boy's birthday.

We woke him singing happy birthday with our party hats and gave him our present- a fireman sam station.

First day back at school too, unfortunately he was late. Kanyes taxi got stuck in traffic. It worked out well though as when he arrived Marley's class all shouted out happy birthday.

After school when he came home we gave him some books we bought him and he got a gift from nanny.

My parents in law and sister and brother in law came for dinner and my mama in law made a beautiful chocolate cake decorated with fruit and flowers.

They gave him his own wee gardening set and mini hot house. He's looking forward to putting it together and planting his seeds on the weekend.

He read his books with grandma and had a great day, I'm really happy he did, he deserves it.

Here's harper giving mar a birthday kiss!

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