In Serious Trouble

When we arrived at the bird lakes this morning, white frost still covered the ground in shadowy places and a thin layer of ice had frozen overnight along the edges of the shallow waters. It was still chilly as we set out, so I was happy to get going. The swan family was still around with its five cygnets, and loads of geese and ducks had stopped to rest before heading on south.

Today's mission was to find a path through the forest from the bird lakes to the dog club, to give us more options for future walks. I was let off my lead to help. To be perfectly honest, it wasn't rocket science, the first one we tried was nearly perfect, but still, it was a successful mission. Couldn't resist a few jumps on the agility course on the way back.

My day went from good to great when it turned out we were going to my very good friend B's for coffee. I got cuddles and kisses and cheese and shrimps and liver pâté. The humans, I knew, were having a very tempting apple and cinnamon cake. And then, suddenly, they had finished and went to do something computer-related, and the rest of the cake was left on the kitchen table and mum had forgotten to put her chair back under said table...

Aaaargh! Mum was so angry when she found me standing on the kitchen table, wolfing down apple cake as if my life depended on it... She says it is so embarrassing and I should consider myself lucky B has already forgiven me. Mum hasn't decided yet... I really shouldn't have done this...sorry...

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