Highly Unsprung

By CynicalWench

Ode to Joy (at Mums)

you arrive home late several nights running, packing in a work day, some calamity of choice ringing in your ears (car breakdown and £1000 bill, cooker still not working), pick up kids, contain mad dog, leaflet for the snp for the first time (note to self, never leaflet Kingseat in the dark as the natives think you are burgling your house) and then think, arriving home at 9.30, sheesh I have to clean the Blimmin' cooker because the cooker Mannie is coming in the morning....and you get the toxic death stuff from under the sink, you open the cooker.............and your amazing mum has been past and cleaned the cooker for you. Bliss. And did I mention when I picked up the kids from her hosue she had made us all Macaroni cheese. Oh, and she gave us her car to use the next day to get by. My mum is the best mum, the best grandma, nothing's conditional, she just knows what will help, does it, no fuss, asks nothing in return, and I'm so very grateful I have her help.

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