Mangoes galore!

The mobile doesn’t do justice to either the pink flowers or the mango tree in the square – but have you ever seen so much fruit? All those lighter coloured blobs on the tree in the distance are still-green mangoes.
Once again, washing and market shopping and cooking and clearing up – oh, and jam-making and choir – whittled away at spring cleaning time, so only a few tasks were ticked off there. And the jam didn’t set. I’m making it with jabuticaba, a deep purple fruit about the size of a grape, which grows on the tree trunk and branches. On our first attempt, years ago, the jam didn’t seem to reach setting point, but set like concrete in the jars. The recipe warns of this danger, so I thought it had reached the perfect point when the drip stayed on the end of the spoon (which it never does that with my lemon marmalade). A sad mistake and I suppose I’ll have to boil it up again this evening. Pooh!
Looking up earlier, while hanging out the washing, I was transfixed by the frigate birds following their mysterious sky routes, an apparently endless stream, 10 – 15 of them visible at any one time in the narrow patch of sky. I only saw one even briefly flap its wings. In the mornings, heeding some inaudible call, they slowly spiral up and away from the beach to the hills. In the evenings, they seem to head for the offshore island. I could watch them for hours, but a crick in the neck soon prohibits it.

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