
By briocarioca

Sweet perfume

What can be better than waking to the dawn chorus (even if the cat helped by treading on my head and sneezing in my face)? Just so much activity and so many different songs, I had to go out to investigate. A slight drizzle brought me in for a while (can’t afford to get another camera wet), but I wandered round for so long after breakfast that I made us late getting to the golf club. We had time for a few holes and a shower, though, before our last night’s host arrived for lunch.
After lunch we went to see his sister, our semi-invalid friend, in the hospital where she’s recovering from a pulmonary oedema. She’s doing much better and hopes to go home on Sunday, but it won’t be an easy road from here on. Then home to the dogs and our aged cat, who has her own respiratory problems. HH’s making a ginger cake to go with the bottle of good cachaça we bought to take to the friends we’re lunching with tomorrow. And the cat’s on my lap competing with the laptop.
We have three roses in bloom today – in our poor soil and with our mega ant populations, we don’t see that often. I snapped some minute blue flowers with my mobile on the golf course, but left the cable in Rio and can’t download them, so they can’t make the bill for Flower Friday.

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