Tarn Hows

Firstly I am overwhelmed by the comments for my blip birthday yesterday, thank you !!

This is a less classic shot of Tarn Hows as the light didn't suit much else today. I found myself stood next to a pro photographer by the name of Gavin Hellier, I looked up his website and wow I hope a bit of that will rub off on me.

Out for the last night dinner tonight to the Dining Room in Grasmere, its been recommended but I found out the chef (finalist of Masterchef) moved on to a bigger place in Windermere a couple of months ago so hoping the new guy is keeping up the standards.

Also today we looked up a young guy who  have got to know whilst visiting up here and he has opened a coffee shop up in  Windermere called Home Ground. He is the best Baritsa you will ever meet and if you are in Windermere look him up he deserves to make a great success of it.

(really slow wifi tonight so just 1 photo)

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