
Today's MonoMonday challenge theme is 'Travel' and so I managed to venture out of the house after being cooped up with this virus.

Actually I was heading out for the open evening at work but figured at some point I will get a chance to find a blip to fit the theme. The first idea I had was to stop at a lay-by on my route there to get a cool shot of the road as there are some lovely hills on the horizon. That plan backfired when I oddly decided to take a different route, forgetting my plan altogether.

No bother. This idea popped in my head (somewhat pushed in by ChrisGroucutt) so I stopped at the aforementioned lay-by to give it a go.

It doesn't quite have the same effect as when these are done in colour but that may well be what is charming. Well, it's not called the 'MonoMonday Easy Task' is it?

Many thanks again to Nickimags888 for hosting again!


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