
By LadyPride

Flying solo

Made a promise to my husband that we would never refer to each other as "Mum" and "Dad" unless talking to Audrey directly. But it happened already. This morning I hollered through the bathroom door, "Is Dad getting out the shower soon, Mum needs the loo". Audrey wasn't even in ear shot. Cringe. is mine and Audrey's first day flying solo without "Dad". He's back to the office and we're home alone. And do you know what? It's OK. Things are actually really calm. Audrey had a little paddy this morning but nothing I couldn't handle. Couple of nuclear nappies too but again, I coped.

We even had a nap together, I managed a few quick work emails and we went out for lunch. Not bad at all.

Am sure all days won't be like this but it was a great start.

Took this picture the other night of my husband and Audrey asleep exhausted on the bed. They are so beautiful. Makes me feel truly blessed (bleurrghhhhh....sorry!)

Note addendum: since writing this, Audrey has had another epic tantrum, another nuclear nappy and I'm feeling exhausted and less chipper. Knew today was too good to be true! Hurry home DAD!!!

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