Happy Wandering

It was such a beautiful morning when I woke I decided to go up to Cotehele for a wander. It was quite early so I didn't expect the place to be open, but it was and I was the first and only person in the garden! I got caught as soon as I went in by a bunch of crocus on the green lawn in front of the house. I spotted a gardener and asked if they were confused and early or autumn flowering - he said confused!
As I happily moved on into the garden more people began to arrive - strangely every one of them had a camera! In the lower part of the garden an elderly gentleman asked me to tell his wife to come down as i was heading up. I did ask how I would know which woman was his wife but he was already walking away. I spotted an elderly lady by herself and told her I believed her husband wanted  her to join him in the garden below. I then added I hoped it was her husband otherwise I was sending her to an illicit rendezvous! She chuckled and seemed quite tickled by this idea! Quite a while later I met them by the pond and asked him if I had sent him his wife or a total stranger - he assured me he had the correct woman!
Feeling rather peckish I headed back to the house and some refreshment, but bumped into a friend who worked in the garden shop - after a natter and look at how she had rearranged the outside area, I left for home with a rusty chicken and jar of St Clements curd and brunch at home! I had discovered it was actually midday and that I had happily spent 3 hours wandering! What a delightful life it is!  

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