Let there be......

Unexpected catch up with Gilesey today. We had a drink and she gave me a brief Lightroom lesson - but seems some of the features that should work are not on my laptop!! Nibbler barked at Tilly then went up into the attic and nearly came face to face with FatCat! being such a small dog she hadn't spotted her on the end of the bed before I scooped her up - fat Cat had spotted her and the expression  on her face was a treat! Shock mingled with outrage at her having the temerity to come into her territory!  Finally after much tea and chattering we headed out for a walk - picking up Lucy on the way - much barking from both but then they settled and ignored each other for the duration of our stroll down the river bank and back into the village. Did I say this was done with an  ice cream? Rhubarb today for me! Gilsy said it was the best ice cream!!
Gilesey left to pack then an hour later we met again at hers and headed for tea at Wetherspoons before camera club! I was interested to see how Wetherspoons had been done over and was amazed at how packed it was! Pleasantly surprised by decor and food but still not a patch on the Browns that it once was! 
Camera club was great - it was a Challenge night and had a visiting judge - all done on a screen and very hi tec and some super images and great advice - he had a good dry sense of humour and had me laughing ridiculously at times - which perhaps was none too kind for the person whose photo it was! Gilesey did very well with one of her entries - I'm sure she'll tell you herself about it! As will mydartmoorwalks perhaps! It was great to be able to just relax and enjoy it without the anxiety of any of my own being judged - maybe next time?! 

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