Ashness Bridge

Today is the last day of our weekend trip to the Lake District. Goodbye is such a sad word but we had so much fun and i have all the memories and photos to remember it by.

This is Ashness Bridge which is advertised as the most photographed bridge in the Lake District. It was surely pretty specially from the other side of it. This bridge is right above the hill from our hostel. It would take about 10mins uphill walk to get to this area. A little further down the road, there is a surprise view of Derwentwater from the car park area. It was indeed a surprise because you dont get the feeling that you have already gotten that high until you are at the edge of the surprise view.

This bridge was also the starting point of the High Seat trail which we only did a third of the walk. It was still a long way up and we were satisfied with the view at the end of step 1. The most wonderful thing happened while we were looking towards the lake from the hill. A mist started creeping up to where we were fast. The lake disappeared in front of our very eyes and we were slowly engulfed by the fog. It was scary and exciting at the same time. It was a definite first for me.  Extra Photos :  The visibility of the Lake before the fog/mist. I realized i have not taken a photo of the moment the fog crept up the hill but i got a video of it. The lake essentially disappeared in front of us and one wouldnt know that there is a lake in front if the fog hadnt cleared. Imagine having only a visibility of 3-5meters ahead while walking. That was how serious the fog was.

We had tea back in the tea room of the hostel and saw another red squirrel outside the window happily grabbing food from the feeder. The rest of the afternoon was spent walking around Grasmere and Bowness-in-Windermere. We got to climb another viewpoint in Bowness overlooking Windermere. We also visited the Beatrix Potter attraction Gift Shop. The trip was concluded with a sumptuous Cantonese dinner in Windermere before we headed to the train station to catch our train back to reality.

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