Looking for the beauty

By looking4beauty

A rosy day.

I worked this morning and arrived home at a reasonable time after doing a bit of marking. I took my camera with me this morning as I was hoping to blip some alpaca that I'd seen not far from where I was working. Unfortunately they've now been moved so I they'll have to wait until I've managed to find them. On the way home I was very tempted to blip a poppy field as I do love poppies, especially when there's a whole field of them, but I managed to resist.

After fetching my youngest from school, I did some tidying up in the garden as it was such a lovely afternoon. I then cooked a spag bol for tea and now I'm shattered. Having so much energy after working the morning was a real treat! I really don't know where it came from!

My eldest is on work experience this week and looked so grown up when he came home with his dad - he's working at his dad's office. Maybe I'll blip him having an afternoon nap later in the week when he's exhausted!!

This rose looked so beautiful in the afternoon sun but for some reason I've found that flowers photographed in strong sunlight never really look at their best so I decided to try it in black and white instead.

edit - tried it in black and white but no comments so I'm trying the colour version for size instead!

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