"it's not normal, love"

Simply a reference to the fact that we are currently watching Greg Davies, second night running.  I really need him to do a third DVD!

Those of you who have been with me on here for a while will remember that I have a fascination with microscopy, science and nonsense with macro photography.  

Another thing that isn't normal is to have multiple tubes of Ferrofluid knocking around at home, along with 20 lidded petri dishes specifically for messing around with the aforementioned ferrofluid and magnets.

It's a messy business without a lid.  It's an absolute git to get off your hands.

So I did a bit of macro work with the ferrofluid this afternoon.  Tomorrow, we will complicate matters and potentially create a devastating mess by adding glow stick juice to the fun.

It's half term.  I am allowed to arse about for a few days.  That, and sleep.  Seem to have done a lot of that in the last 24 hours.  Fatigue is a terrible side effect and it's not a 'can't be arsed' thing, it's a full on "I can't even muster the energy to lift a brew up to my mouth" feeling.  All that, simply from walking to the shops and then spending 20 minutes taking some photos.  In the words of Greg, "It's not normal love"

Ah well, bonus hour tonight so that's got to help.

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