
The last task of the workroom tidy was to hang the mobile.  Now done.  It will provide a suitable meditative experience in the darkening days.

Since I have experienced clock changes for over 60 years, I adapt quite quickly.  Not so Cooriedog.  She gets her second feed at 5pm.  That is normally preceded by an hour where she tries to engage in affectionate playfulness. She started this at 3pm.  As far as she was concerned this was in line with her body clock and the reduction in daylight.

When it came to her 5pm and my 4pm, she became concerned that I may have forgotten this most important of tasks.  I showed her my watch.  Luckily, I had remembered to put it back an hour.

After 20 minutes, her confusion led to her barking a reminder.  I told her that was unacceptable and unnecessary.  Off she went in a sulk clearly trying to remember whether she had been fed or not.

She was fed at our 5pm and her 6pm.  It looked as though she enjoyed it.

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