Proud Weegie

By Shiv

Collective noun for a group of Bankers....?

Poor old RBS getting a bit of bad press in the news today.

One thing Mr S and myself don't agree on is public vs private sector IT workers. Despite being married to one, he seems to think everyone working in Finance deserves all the bad press they get. That we are all wallowing in piles of money and corrupted by greed and he gets a bit rattled by the mention of 'bonuses'.

I'm not sure where I have been hiding all my huge bonuses all these years, I must have quite a nest egg by now. When I find it I'll let you know.

Perhaps if they hadn't made all the experienced staff redundant and outsourced to developing countries at ridiculously low wages just to save a few bob to pay shareholders - then the customer would get the service they deserve.

Rant over - I'm off to re-acquaint myself with 'The Ragged Trousered Philanthropist' and dig out my Red flag !

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