Berries galore!

My mind was working overtime last night trying to get things straight in my head in preparation for our hols so consequently didnt get to sleep until after 2am! Up early as our hairdresser was here for 9.30am.

Youngest son and his wife called for a couple of hours, DiL is not far off taking her driving test now.....she's doing really well. They gave me a lift to the beauticians for 2pm, she drove us, no problem :-) they stayed and had a bit of lunch with us before we left. Youngest son has been having constant bad migraine type headaches. The noise and the lights make them worse. He's on strong painkillers, which are not really touching it....he's now waiting for an appointment for an MRI scan. Just when we think he's sorted after his eye ops :-(

By the time I got back from the beauticians the sun had already gone down, so it was a quick walk through the passageway that leads to the top road, where there are lots of trees and shrubs, all covered in berries at the moment.

The suitcases are on the bd in the spare room, we've gathered some stuff together now, medication and toiletries bags sorted, I'll pack the bulk of it tomorrow and if all goes to,plan, we might still go quizzing, as we will miss the next four.

Thank for all your comments on Mr and Mrs Mop yesterday, I'm glad you liked them :-)

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