Mr and Mrs Mop

Woke up after a good nights sleep........up and on the road to Pilates by 10.......when I arrived, earlier than usual, as the local traffic was light because of half term, today's blip literally presented itself, right before my eyes, as I parked the car!

I jumped out of the car grabbed my camera and got one or two strange looks, as I photographed thesetwo mop heads, hanging over this backyard wall, presumably drying in the sunshine ;-) Job done !

Pilates felt tougher than usual today, presumably because I've missed a session and been under the weather....not any more though :-) taken last antibiotics today and can honestly say I feel "back to normal" hurrah!!!!!!
Sis is firing on all cylinders too :-)

Mum is still a bit bruised and scabby around her eye, and still black and blue down her right side, after her fall 3 weeks ago; considering everything, she has made a good recovery.

We took mum to get all her Christmas cards for family and friends today, that took an age, but we got there ;-). We had a lovely bacon and cheese toastie for lunch, with a mug of tea, in a little cafe in the marketplace.

After sis had dashed off to see to her doggy, me and mum had a breather back at hers, before going out again to get a few toiletry type things she needed. We had dinner at mums before I left to come home around 7.45pm.

Already don't like these early dark nights!!! :-(
Oh good, only got to put up with them for another 2 nights, then we are up up and away for four weeks.....yeah I know, it's a hard life !

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