Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Yes, Sir Eel

Mrs J bought these strange hairy doughnuts into the office. These were not the only surreal experiences at work today. Someone had drawn an ambiguous set of male genitalia in the lift earlier in the week which has yet to be removed. Mrs J drew her own version by way of illustration which looked to me like a Toyota logo that had been sexed up. Ms S uttered the immortal words “I like a good drop down menu myself”. And Ms P gave us all a hug before leaving for three weeks in Australia. This is why I get out of bed in the morning. That and the salary at the end of the month.

As for the rest:

Girl Racer came home after three days in Reading and made soup.

The central heating is behaving strangely, just as winter prepares to hit us.

A long an interesting article on the web about whether the universe created consciousness or vice versa was punctuated by an advert for ironing boards at Argos.

Yes, surreal

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