Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Home front

Britain would have been undefended today if we had been attacked as every serviceman in the country seemed to be on the streets of London selling poppies. They were all over the capital in groups of three or four. On the other hand, if marshall law was declared by Boris Johnson the troops would already have been deployed. 

Having taken the afternoon off work, The Girl Racer and I met TSM at Waterloo and we went to the fabulous Mildred's veggie restaurant in Soho. Truly lovely food followed by wandering around the shops. I thought I would buy myself a wooly hat in Liberty but it was fifty five quid - don't even get me started on the price of coats ... 

As for the rest:

Got a plumber called Mr Kahn to fixer shower tomorrow.
The Girl Racer made apple crumble.
The cats got freaked by rain and fireworks and came in early

And now I be mostly tired ...

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