wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew

Seriously this is the best you could do?

Hallo, tonytigerbear here.

My mom has been very busy. So busy she collapses into bed. This is the best picture she could take today. So it had to be of me and blurry?
Let me tell you about life here.
Mom had to buy a new dishwasher. She bought it. They came to deliver it and said they didn't have time to take the old one out. They asked if they could just leave it and come back later in the week and put it in. Not install it mind you.......just put it in.
Mom said where do you think you can put it? We have an extremely small house. I was worried that they would want to put it in my house. I sat on top of it just to make sure.....OH MY GOD! a huge box is coming into this house tomorrow. We may have a situation. But I digress.
So they will be back on Friday. Mom is leaving it in Dad's hands as she has to go to a memorial service on Friday. Oh no she said she isn't worried at all. ((That would be a strikeout if I can do that)
Mom cleaned the kitchen tonight. This is a process that exhausts me. She washes the counters with stinky stuff. It takes way to long and I have to sleep....in the middle of the kitchen floor is my preference. I like to make sure she doesn't forget me.
She used the restroom this evening and I scratched and prrertted at the door until she opened it. I didn't want to go in ( seriously like I would want to?) but I stood in the doorway. I don't like closed doors.
Come to think of it, I don't like open doors either.
Mom got mad at someone who hurt a family member tonight. I don't know what great balls of fire are but.....if he sees my mom. He should stay away.
Saturday mom is singing at Trader Joes. The band sings at their birthday every year. Ingrid wanted them to dress in costumes. Mom said no!
Now, I don't like trader joes. Once mom brought home some dried food for us,from Trader Joes. There were peas in it.
Um people,
I am a cat. We don't eat peas. Or corn or carrots.
I want meat. Not mouse meat, that is SO gross. I won't say we have been mouse free lately but.......I am sleeping with mom every night. All night. Until I want to wake her up. 3:17 seems to be optimal time. I hold her prisoner with bad behavior until she gets up. Yesterday she threw a sock. Seriously a sock. I laughed at her. Then I knocked the water bottle off the bedside table.
Well I have rambled on. My fingers are tired. Typing is hard for me. It's ok I suffer for my art.
I am all about the giving.
G'day Downunder and goodnight to the north!!!!!
I have missed you.

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