wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew

You better watch out. You better not....oops

Sorry got my holiday mixed up. I went to the drugstore and was assaulted by Christmas.
Behind the register were candy canes filled with small bottles of flavored Pinacle vodka. Like seven little bottles. I asked how much they were. The price tag said 3.99. ......SOLD! I said! These were horribly mismarked. So I bought 4.
Christmas is coming from what I understand. It pays to be prepared!

I have my new hiking shoes on tonight. There were shoes and boots at the Bean's employee store. Time to try and break them in. My boots have bright green accents. Supertramp is going to pass out. He has banned my rain boots :) the pink sneakers will have to be replaced by my blue ones too!

I have been a little down lately. I don't know what that is all about. Well......I actually have gone light on the sweets lately. And have eaten lighter in the attempt to look as fit as I feel. I figure the little tyre thing is not needed DownUnder. Up here we use it to keep warm in the winter.
You know it's funny, I have been wicked overweight, and severely underweight and I am nicer with more meat on my bones. I seem to sing better too. Of course that could just be the crack Oreos talking. I can't have them in the house. I can keep a chocolate bar in my purse for a month. Not Oreos. I don't get it. It's not like they are the best cookie in the world. I make pizzelles and they are the best cookie in the world.

Tonight we have band rehearsal and I can't wait. I have been sleeping early every night. (Last night at 5:00 right through until this morning. I was SO hungry!).
If I have told this story I will have to delete it.......
And on the home front:
Tony caught a mouse the other day. He didn't kill it. We are assuming by the way he throws himself down in front of Ethel, that he is a lover not a fighter. Ethel looks at him with total disgust, caught the mouse and proceeded to sit on my bed with it in her mouth singing the song of her people. This is stressful people. Even the "F" word is not strong enough when you see her with a struggling mouse in her mouth..........on your bed. If you all could say a prayer to your higher power for me that would be great. Please ask for me to have no surprise bedmates.............
Wait I can't go on......talk amongst yourselves.
And good morning Downunder as we get ready to sleep in the north!!!

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