Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

After you..?

.. The sparrow makes the coal tit look really tiny.

Today has been a bumper day for birds (there were loads of insects flying about, maybe that's why?).
I don't usually do lists (unless I'm off to the supermarket, when it's somewhat imperative these days :-/) but I've managed decent images today of:
Sparrow, goldfinch, great tit, coal tit, blue tit, starling, jackdaw, robin, wren, collared dove, dunnock, blackbirds (hen and cock together) woodpigeon AND I heard a woodpecker this morning (but didn't catch an image).
That is an all time record for me.

Where are my Hallowe'en shots?

Nowhere apparently.

But wishing those who 'do it', a good one.

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