A new challenge

As a lad I played the clarinet for several years but gave up at 16 as many do. I had little connection with playing music from then on. We've long been fans of live music particularly folkie stuff and seen many, many bands and performers over the years, always marvelling at their easy skills.

In my last job before I retired I was, amongst other things, the lead officer for music in a London Local Authority. I was also lead officer for many other things in addition to my main role in ICT, Modern Foreign Languages being one of them.

Those who know me and my command of French will be amazed at my rise to incompetence but someone had to do it. Same with music, there were lots of people working in the music field in the borough, my job was to manage the orchestra as it were.

This is just a long winded way of getting around to explaining today's blip. One of the tasks we had in the borough was to manage the instrument fund and from this fund we bought endless quantities of ukuleles for primary school pupils. I thought to myself, if they can do it so can I. So four years later and inspired by seeing the Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain at the Shrewsbury Folk Festival this year, I've finally taken the plunge and bought myself a uke (as us ukulele players call it)

Shame or rather a good thing that there is no sound attached to blips.

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