Just the Withers......

By JaneW

This half terms topic is...

The Olympics,and the children seem to be really enjoying it.
There I was in Tesco this morning looking at hair removal cream for mine and Eve's legs and my telephone trills, it's theme tune 'sweet home Alabama' and lo'it is our Headmaster Mr C .... can I possibly go take some photo's for the new school brochure.. CAN I... CAN I .... YES.I.CAN !! ohhhhhhhhhh I was so excited I brought a hair shine thingy and forgot about de-fuzzing my lower leg !!! So if all else fails I shall have shiny and tangle free leg hair.... classy.

Mum and I did not have such a pig out Wednesday as she had to stay in because the new place was being carpeted .. I did go get her a sandwich and also she had a supply of chocolate,even Mum knew I would soon take to her bed if she did not give me sugar,this is because we moved furniture and gave the place a good vacuum when the fitters had gone.

Tomorrow I am with year 6 again on the last ever school trip they will have at T.J ..I want to cry..... it will soften the blow that we have a large sugar filled picnic.

Blip is Lola who is my Lucy's friend.. her mum is The Frog (French friend) .

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