2014 more running needed

By Brianporterrun

Stopping traffic

I made full use of my day's holiday doing the things I hoped would work, namely visiting schools with the Torch.

Three primary/junior schools, a nursery (think that one was for the staff really!) a running shop, and a Beavers, Cubs and Scout group later and I am back in the house to Blip.

I estimate around 400 pairs of hands have enjoyed the Torch today, and that was what I hoped would happen after last Saturday. Let the people have a taste of the People's Torch.

I caught up with Derek tonight (See Monday's Blip) and he has been as busy as I have. I also heard that Jonathan who carried it shortly after me on Saturday has also been busy.

So the Torches are doing the rounds, and that's as it should be.

The School Crossing Patrol lady asked if she could have a photo in her uniform. Well, there was only one way to take the photo wasn't there!

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