Wet autumn scene

Into Mote Park this morning, walking around a part of the park we've not been to very often or for a very long time. A dull, overcaste and drizzly day which didn't lend itself to outside pictures. This one is of the beeches whith the last of their leaves over by the children's playground.

Susan spent most of the afternoon in the garden, rearranging plants and putting in new ones. Not the best of afernoons to be outside. I was inside peeling and slicing apples ready for drying. The first lot, which were Bramley's I did came out really well, quite sweet with the tange of lemon juice which made them very tasty indeed. This lot will be drying overnight.

After the apples it was peeling onions for pickling - about 150 of them are sitting in a bowl, salted, waiting for tomorrow when I'll bottle them in cider vinegar (with a little sugar) a slice of chilli and a sprig of tarragon.

In the evening we went to our second Stylebridge Folm club meeting. Very talented local musicians. Not everyone played or sang, some simply read poems or listened like ourselves. The theme was Rememberance and very well done with poingant as well as humorous. Next month it is Christmas, believe it or not. Perhaps we'll have to find something we can perform even if it is just a reading.

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