Coorse Day

It's been a fairly wild day of wind and heavy showers at times.  There has also been plenty of sunny spells thrown in for good measurement :)

Day off today and slept a bit longer than usual, I heard the rain lashing down and didn't want to get up :)  When I finally got up, it took a while before I could get out to enjoy any of the day.  Me and Sammy managed a few walks, our longest was 2 miles and got a peerie bit soaked on the way back.  I nipped over to Sandwick after lunch and it had dried up a bit, so me and Sammy headed to the Ness for a walk.
The rest of the afternoon has been working through photos.
Off to see sister Laura this evening and heading down to see granny with mam too and then working in the pub.

Me and Sammy headed towards Quendale and then out to Garthness.  The spindrift was soaking us as we walked closer to the sea.  The sea was fairly rough but the waves weren't as big here as I was hoping, and usually missed the biggest ones when I was cleaning the lens!  Here's a wave crashing onto the rocks and Fitful head behind.  

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