Yappin on da Street

It's been a fine mild day, a lovely sunny morning with a heavy shower at lunchtime.  A fine calm mild evening.

I've had a busy day in museum office.  The new database for the photo archive is looking great but I've been chatting with the team to make a few small changes to keep my job easier.  I popped along mam after tea, Laura and family were down too.  Always good to have a laugh with the family.  Me and mam had a run to Burra this evening and then I'm off to work in the pub tonight.

A had to run an errand this morning and headed in over to the street.  Plenty of folk out with the sunny morning and that meant plenty of chatting along the way.  For centuries, some things never change, friends always meet along Da Street yarn away.  Taken on Commercial Street, Lerwick.

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