Sleep / blip fail

Last night I went to bed early.
This was a fail.
9:27 there was an almighty noise, un mistakenly a car crashing. 5th in 15 months.
Considerable damage done outside our house, taking the 40mph sign clean out of the ground, wiping out a wall then landing their car in the front bay window of number 2!

4 police cars, 2 fire engines, 1 ambulance. The entire population of our hamlet (10 houses) were out, offering support, sweeping up, cleaning up. Got back into bed around 11, Wom stirred about 11:30, Recovery vehicle extracted car around 12, then the glaziers arrived and hammered away boarding up thr window. Followed by Wom being unsettled around 2am and them both being awake at 5am.

Ive struggled today
Forgot to take any photos so this is a screen shot from yesterday of Munchie making a broom, for room on the broom story.

What on earth will tonight bring, can't be any worse than a drunk driver being 5x over the limit crashing outside the house, can it?

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